Just some photos of us...
My family (aunt, uncle and cousins included), love and I went to Malaysia to visit my grandmother for the first day of CNY! The both of us wore pink! ^^
He also wrote me a letter (for the first time!!!) some time in January. It was so sweet even though he was rushing for work. I cried while reading it and until today, he still doesn't know how I reacted when I read his letter.
And he makes sushi for me from time to time too.
It tastes ~heavenly~
Then in February, he went to Bangkok for 3 days. Before he went to Bangkok, I told him I wanted Dior's cosmetics. He came back with the one in the shade I wanted. He even bought from M.A.C! In his exact words: "I anyhow just buy!" And I couldn't stop smiling! I was like :D :D :D :D all day.
He took an additional day off after his trip to accompany me!!!
Even happier, more :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D: D :D :D :D :D :D Hehehehe~
That day we just kept eating and eating and eating! Usually, I don't eat a lot but with him, my appetite suddenly becomes so much better and I could eat a whole lot more.
For Valentine's Day, he bought me a bouquet of 11 blue roses.
He gave it to me the day before Valentine's Day and kept asking me if I like them or not...
♡♡♡♡♡ IT'S GORGEOUS!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
See! I love it! He doesn't believe me though.. Maybe because I didn't exactly seem ecstatic when I first saw it... Hmmm~ Then he went on saying it was supposed to be pink and blue roses but the auntie messed up and he was afraid I wouldn't like it. But I do~ really love it.
On Valentine's Day itself we went to Universal Studios Singapore! :) We went with Cassandra and Mikey. ^^ Okay, you can't really tell from the photo above because it was taken at the Chinese restaurant and it's cropped. We didn't bring a camera because I forgot! :(
Okay guys, that is all I have right now!
Bye! Xx.